Monday, June 2, 2008

I just read a blog post from my cousin Kim. She blogged about her and her boyfriend's love story. It was really sad. My cousin Kat cried while she read it. She just feels sad for her. As for me, I didn't cry while I was reading it. I felt the pain. Well, okay, the pain I felt is like only partial of the real pain that ate Kim is currently feeling. It must be really hard for her. Gawd, I can't believe that this has actually happened to someone close to me. Wait, scratch that. I just can't believe that such things even happen. It's just so hard to deal with.

Everyone deserves to be happy. I still try to believe in that. So ate Kim, be happy. :) And to everyone else, try to smile your worries away. :)

1 comment:

GreenMangoes said...

but sometimes, a smile isn't enough to lessen the pain.

we need to cry
we need to ponder
we need to brainstorm our sadness
we need to eat our every individual's so-called "coping" food.

and we need to be loved and unloved again at the same time.

and now we pray for your ate.